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    Za chwilę przystąpisz do naszego wewnętrznego online’owego testu poziomującego, przygotowanego z myślą o Tobie. Składa się on z zadań szczegółowo sprawdzających kompetencje: czytane, gramatyczne, pisane oraz słuchowe. Poczujesz się trochę jak na Naszym egzaminie, spędzając z Nami 90 minut, ale to tylko dlatego, abyśmy mogli ocenić kształtująco Twoje umiejętności. Aby zapewnić jeszcze lepszą jakość odsłuchu rekomendujemy, aby test słuchowy był wykonywany na słuchawkach. 

    Jesteś gotowy? Naciśnij przycisk „ROZPOCZNIJ TEST”, który przeprowadzi Cię przez poszczególne zadania. Nie martw się o czas; specjalnie dla Ciebie na ekranie pojawi się zegar, który będzie odliczał Twój czas i pokazywał, ile jeszcze minut pozostało Ci do ukończenia testu. 

    Jeśli uda Ci się ukończyć test szybciej, możesz manualnie nacisnąć „ZAKOŃCZ TEST”, a system od razu przekieruje Cię do okienka z informacjami kontaktowymi. Nie zapomnij podać swojego adresu mailowego, abyśmy mogli przekazać Ci Twój raport z wynikiem. 

    Jeśli nie chcesz wykonać testu online, a wolisz się z Nami spotkać, aby napisać test poziomujący w wersji papierowej – skontaktuj się z Nami. Uwaga – test w wersji papierowej zawiera również test ustny.

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    English Club Team 

  • Test


    1. Lisa_________________ in politics.

    2. "_______________?" "No she's out."

    3. Why__________________________late this morning?

    4. Terry_________________________ in a bank from 2005 to 2011.

    5. "Where's Rebecca?" "_____________________ to bed."

    6. ____________ that woman before, but i can't remember where.

    7. My car is at the garage. It____________________.

    8. I can't find my keys. I think________________________.

    9. It__________________________, so we didn't need an umbrella.

    10. Somebody_____________________ this window.

    11. "What time is the concert tonight?" "It_______________________at 7.30."

    12. I think Kelly_______________________ the exam.

    13. _______________________ to the cinema this evening, but I'm not sure.

    14. We__________________________ walk home last night. There were no buses.


    Read the following text and answer the questions below.


    0      A dates                          B calls                             C looks                         D stands

    The History of Football

    Football or soccer, which is so popular all over the world, (0).............back to the Middle Ages. At that (1)............... it was very different from the game we play today. Any number of players could (2).............. part and the matches usually developed into a free-for-all. In this modern (3)............., football less than two hundred years old.

    In 1846 the first rules to govern the game were drawn up at the Cambridge University. The number of players was (4).............. to 11 per side, which made things much more orderly than before. Later, in 1863, the Football Association was (5)............. up to help promote the game in Britain.

    The game is played on a grass or artificial (6).............. with a goal net at each end. The (7)............ is to move the ball around the field, (8)............... the feet or head, until a player is in a (9)............... to put the ball into the net and score a goal. 

    Professional football is not only the most popular (10)............ sport in the world, (11)............. also more people actually play football themselves than any other team sport. In 1904 FIFA, the world (12)............. of football, was founded. It organises the World Cup tournament every four years.

    1. 1

    2. 2

    3. 3

    4. 4

    5. 5

    6. 6

    7. 7

    8. 8

    9. 9

    10. 10

    11. 11

    12. 12

    Read the following text and answer the questions below.

    By the middle of the second day I know I'm in trouble. In front of me the land stretches up and away towards a distant hill, and into the space, between that summit and me, is crowded one of the most vivid concentrations of colour I have ever seen. It starts with the trees. The wet season is only a few weeks off and; almost as if they can smell the coming rains, they out their leaves. They are no ordinary green and the dry grasses beneath them are ablaze with golds, browns and reds. I want to recreate this scene with watercolours . Although I can make a try it with words, trying to paint it in my sketch book is another matter altogether. I've already made one attempt: a series of zigzag sign orange and red, with bluish trees placed across them, which now lies face down in the grass beside me.

    I' ve put it there because the last thing I want right now is for someone else to come along and look at it. a young man called Royale walks up the hill. Royale is a sculptor' and with several other local men, produces pieces of work in the local stone. Recently, and quite suddenly, this work, and that of several other local co-operatives, has acquired an international reputation. I certainly don't want a man capable of such things looking at my own awful brush-strokes. so I put my foot, as casually as I can, on the finished painting beside me and we resume the conversation started earlier in the day.

    I want to talk to Royale about his life here. He, however, is only interested in what I am up to. To begin with, it seems that he considers me a fellow artist, and for a moment I find myself staring into the depths of embarrassment. But when he asks me, "What is painting like?" I realise that this professional artist has never painted anything in his life before. He just wants a go with my colours.

    When I signed up for this holiday, I was hoping for an experience like the one I had had four years earlier in Wales. That was my first painting holiday, and I loved it. Two things made it great. First was the teacher, a man called Robin, who showed me that what is important about drawing and painting is not the finished article but the process of completing it. The second element of that week was the place. I grew up in places like that, and I connected with it immediately. But it was stupid of me to think that I could reproduce the experience down here, deep in the Southern Hemisphere. Zimbabwe is not a part of me, nor I of it. Trying to draw it for the first time, from a standing start, is like trying to start a conversation in Swahili.

    There were compensations. The holiday was wonderfully organised by a friend of mine - Susan Scott-Thomas. Admittedly, there are some rather large differences between us - she's extremely wealthy and she inherited a farm in Africa when she was in her mid-twenties, and instead of taking the easy option of becoming a solicitor and staying in London, she came out to reclaim the land and rebuild the decaying farmhouse. In the process, she learnt how to lay foundations and make clay bricks. All of which she did while I was just mastering making sauce for pasta.

    Even my disastrous painting didn't distract me from enjoying the holiday. Painting really forces you to look at things, to consider their shape and colour. And even if it is a disaster, that process of looking and thinking and transferring those thoughts into movements of your hand leaves an imprint of what you have seen. By the end of the week I have still not produced anything to hang on my walls, although there is a drawing of a local schoolboy of which I am rather fond, not because it is much good, but because it was so challenging to do.

    1. What is the problem the writer has at the beginning of her holiday?

    2. The writer hid her work because

    3. What does the writer say about her previous painting holiday?

    4. The writer says that Susan Scott-Thomas

    5. What is a suitable title for the article?

    6. What is the writer's purpose in writing this text?


    You will hear part of a radio interview with Toby Lucas, a young chess player. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

    1.1. Toby joined his chess club because

    1.2. How useful was playing chess on the internet for Toby?

    1.3. What does Toby like about his favourite grandmaster?

    1.4. When deciding which move to take, Toby usually chooses

    1.5. What does Toby say about becoming a top professional player?

    1.6. Playing chess has taught Toby to

    1.7. According to Toby, how is life different to chess?


    In you English class you have been talking about hobbies and freetime. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your points of view. Write your essay in 140-190 words ia an appropriate style.

    Young people today spend too much of their time playing video games. Do you agree?


    Write about:                      
    1.    things you can learn from video games                     
    2.    doing exercise                      
    3.    ........................ (your one idea)

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